IMO: The World of Magic Wiki



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I've been traveling for a long, long time in search of sheep! I may have heard a few rumors along the way.

> Tell me about the rumors!


Answer 1: I've heard that there's a massive war between summoners going on in the south. (a reference to Com2uS' game, Summoner's War)

Answer 2: There's a place called the Swamp of Death at the far north of this land. Word is that it used to be home to the elves! (a reference to Com2uS' game, Divine Girls, Could also be a reference to Polluted Forest, Marsh of Death, and Maze.)

Answer 3: Well, I've walked a long way in search for my sheep. Her name is Pino.

Answer 4: I have a teeny, weeny tiny farm. (a reference to Com2uS' game, Tiny Farm)

Answer 5: Have you heard? The new class coming out will be shepherds!

Answer 6: Wait! It's a wolf! ...My nose feels a little itchy. (a reference to Com2uS' game, Elphis Adventure)

Answer 7: I've lost my sheep as I'm going to get a new pet. A dragon perhaps? (Dragon pet released later.)

Answer 8: The seasons come in order of Fall, Summer, Spring, and Winter. Winter is coming!

Answer 9: I wonder what attribute would a shepherd gain? +1 sheepherder perhaps? (Reference to answer 5)


Answer 1: The new arena champion is arriving in town!

Answer 2: It looks like the Crimson Sabre and the Secret Phantom are going to go for another round! Another bloody fight!

Answer 3: What is that guy wearing? He should learn to battle in style.(Possibly a hint to costumes.)

Answer 4: I can't decide which swim suit I'm going to wear this summer.(Hint towards swim suit costumes)

Answer 5: Your sword is a bit too plain for my taste. My sword at home glows in pink. (Hint to Weapon Costumes)

Answer 6: I've heard stories of bizare hair styles being popular in the far west countries. For example...

Answer 7: Hey, I have some very juicy information about a hidden treasure. Are you interested? Good. Go to the beach and yell I'm here for the treasure!. My source tells me that the if you are a noble adventurer, the treasure will reveal itself. Easy, right? Hey, don't forget. We split the treasure 50:50.

Answer 8: Have you heard of the hidden fields of snow? It's a vast plain, all covered in thick snow! (Referencing Crown Rock 2 years before release.)

Answer 9: These new pets... I swear I've seen them before.


Answer 1: (Something about a giant snowman; exact quote wasn’t recorded. Could be related to Crown Rock’s boss, Barslaf.)

Answer 2: (Something about an old spear)

Answer 3: (Something about a giant winged creature, could be related to Caligo.)

Answer 4: Hey, I have some very juicy information about a hidden treasure. Are you interested? Good. Go to the beach and yell "I'm here for the treasure!". My source tells me that the if you are a noble adventurer, the treasure will reveal itself. Easy, right? Hey, don't forget. We split the treasure 50:50.

A lot of quotes are missing from this year.


Answer 1: Here we are again. Have you seen Pino? Pino is my sheep.

Answer 2: I own a small farm called Tiny Farm. (Referencing Tiny Farm, a game by Com2uS.)

Answer 3: I can’t believe Crown Rock is newly discovered! I’m sure there will be other areas not found, yet. And, I heard a tower that is so tall that it’s impossible to see the end of it has appeared all of the sudden in the inotia continent! (Possibly mentioning a new map coming soon.)

Answer 4: Is it impossible to have all Guilds get along with each other? (Referencing The now released Unions)

Answer 5: Supplements are the most important things when you are in an endless battle. You know the things that will help you out throughout the battle such as nutrients and energy drinks.(Talking about Snowfield Energy Drink and Snowfield Nutrient.)

Answer 6: I witnessed a gigantic snowman one time. When I got closer to him, he started to attack me. (Reference to Barslaf.)

Answer 7: Will you find my sheep? It’s a black sheep. If someone has stolen my sheep, I’ll have no mercy on him.

Answer 8: I saw a yellow shrimp in my dream. What? There’s no such thing as yellow shrimp?! (Mentioning the shrimps in Islot’s Temple.)

Answer 9: I think I’ve walked too much. My legs are getting sore. Do you mind if I get a ride on your pet?

More answers exist but weren’t recorded. If anyone knows the rest please help add more! There was more Quotes for all years, for example one relating to Pino in 2016, so if anyone has them please add them!

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Available on April 1st, April Fools Day. Dialogue changes every three hours. Has no purpose but to tell rumors and references. Please note that some things that he has said has actually came into TWOM. He’s mentioned Caligo, Crown Rock, all of the Maze Maps, Swim suit costumes, snowman boss in Crown Rock and more. So not all the things he says are fake. Visit Sheep Piino for 2019-2021
