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S-Grade Symbol
A symbol showing your dedication to your faction.

BTEtc.Item Etc. Items
Item is Soulbound
Sell Price to Secret Vendors: 4000 gold

How to Obtain:
Obtainable by trading File:SpecialCotton.png Special Cotton Cloth (5) to Supply-ManagerSupply Manager.
Can only be done once a day.

Requires Combine-BookCombine Book III:
ScrollArmor Enchant Scroll (S Class) (1-3): Scroll Armor Enchant Scroll (A Class) (2), Grade-SymbolS-Grade Symbol (7), File:Pendant.pngPendant of Honor (3), GemstoneGemstone (150), 110,000g
ScrollWeapon Enchant Scroll (S Class) (1-3): Scroll Weapon Enchant Scroll (A Class) (2), Grade-SymbolS-Grade Symbol (10), File:Pendant.pngPendant of Honor (5), GemstoneGemstone (300), 220,000g

Related Items:
Grade-SymbolS-Grade Symbol
Grade-SymbolA-Grade Symbol
Grade-SymbolB-Grade Symbol
Grade-SymbolC-Grade Symbol
Grade-SymbolD-Grade Symbol

If it is done on weekends, Saturday or Sunday, you obtain double. 6-19-13 update.
