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Special Mushroom Beer
A beer made of mushrooms... special mushrooms. Don't use too much ;)

BTSupplies Supply
Sell Price to Secret Vendors: 25 Gold Gold
Sell Price at Black Trader: 10-100 Gold Gold

How to Obtain:
Trade Maloi Bartender Lumai or Maloi Bartender Maloi Dried Mushroom Dried Mushroom (2) for Special Mushroom Beer (1).

Restores 7 MP per second for 8 seconds.

Talk to MaloiSteve and turn in the "2 pints of Special Mushroom Beer" quest for a Pirate-CoinThanksGiving Coin.

Total MP restored: 56

Trade these for a Decoded-Letter Decoded Letter (Lighthouse Dungeon Quest).
Cool time 5 seconds.
You need to be standing still for it to heal. If you move, it will cancel the healing effect and waste the supply.
You will see the icon DrinkIcon while the item is in effect.
